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Photo-BBS(Ⅰ) BY M.K.

★Please contribute comment and pictures, freely.(^o^)丿 Masa 

Please contribute comment etc. freely. In the contribution of the contents contrary to public order and standards of decency, such as the profit purpose, the illegality and others' slander, please understand that it may be deleted.
How to contribute comments and picture.Please refer to an attached Instructins. <English-HP>
1.お名前 Your name(nickname)
2.件名 Title(subject)
3.メッセージ Message
4.画像 Picture 参照 Select picture in your PC
5.メールアドレス Your e-mail address
6.ホームページ Your URL, if you have
7.文字色 letter color
8.削除キー Password(It is only a half-width alphanumeric character and they are 4 to 8 characters. you can delete or edit useing this password)
9. プレビューする(投稿前に、内容をプレビューして確認できます)Preview You can confirm Message by the preview of the content before you contributes.
10.投稿 Submmit(contribut)
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